Sunday, May 5, 2019

Consider the Crowned Slug Caterpillar
by Julie Lavender

Last week I shared a springtime reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the glorious dogwood tree. On my walk with God this week, I encountered a crowned slug caterpillar.

Named for the ring of blood-red tinged spines on one end, the crowned slug caterpillar has stinging spines that radiate from every point of its body. And if that’s not enough sting to torture bare skin that touches it or a predator that tries to devour it, stinging hairs run down the caterpillar’s back.

The spines that look like they’ve been dipped in blood remind me of the atoning blood that poured from puncture wounds caused by Jesus’ crown of thorns. Those thorns stung Jesus physically, but my sins stung him emotionally.

Surprisingly, the uniquely-created crowned slug caterpillar has a rather subdued adult stage. The insect larva that eats mostly leaves from the oak tree transforms into a dull, brown moth, with no distinguishing features.

Interesting that such unique beauty (ignoring the fact that the spines are vicious) becomes such a bland moth after pupating. I’m glad my own transformation, because of Jesus’ death on the cross, had just the opposite effect.

A dull life transformed into a beautiful creation!

Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice to purify and redeem me and make me brand new! 

What about you? Are you thankful for your new life, a life that's anything but dull once Jesus becomes Savior and Lord? 


  1. Great post Ms. Julie. It's not my appearance but my actions that speak the loudest.

  2. Amen and amen! You always have such thought-provoking words and meaningful insight to add in the comments! Thank you so much for your faithfulness to encourage and support other writers!!
