Saturday, May 11, 2019


My returning guest blogger is my friend Marilyn Nutter with an update about her feathered visitor! Please read her delightful post and enjoy the lesson she learned from Lucy! 

My Bird Nest…More Lessons…
Part 2.

by Marilyn Nutter

Last February I shared my treasures about learning from a bird nest built above my front door.

Imagine my surprise when I looked up yesterday and spotted Lucy, the Mamma bird who built that work of art above my door last Spring. When I watched her fly away, I opened the door, and saw remnants of straw on my porch. Hours later, she cleaned up the mess. The nest is stable and waiting for eggs.

Like last time, Lucy gave me treasures to think about. I first wondered if birds return to the spot where they built a nest the year before.  In case you didn’t know the answer, Lucy’s spot at my house again was not a coincidence nor convenience. Birds do return. The are comfortable. They perceive safety. They know it is a trustworthy place. After all, a human didn’t disturb or destroy it. That’s where they laid their eggs, fed their babies, and released the babies at the right time.

Lucy gave me the illustration of safety. The name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it and are safe.  (Proverbs 18:1 NKJV) His name: all that God is; His attributes and character. He is a safe place to go.
Lucy also reminded me how we need to clean up our messes, not a house cleaning regimen or purging unnecessary things that clutter our environment, though those are important. But we make messes in relationships: harsh words, tension, ill-will, unkindness, unresolved conflict ________. I’ll let you fill in the blanks.

How do we clean up our messes? Lucy took responsibility. The porch is neat and clean. “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. “(Romans 12:18 NIV) We take responsibility too-the apology, self-control, patience-living in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23). 

Sometimes, relationships break down and we are in conflict. Scripture gives us guidelines to clean up our messes. (Matthew 18:15-17)

So I wait expectantly to see how many babies Lucy will have. Last year I watched as she fed them. Hopefully I can post how this treasure on my porch unfolds. Once again, I expect to hear babies chirping. On all days, my expectation comes from God. Psalm 62:5). He is my safe place, and ultimately cleans my personal mess.

What about you? Where is your safe place? How have you found taking responsibility for messes, when the responsibility is yours, has led to a treasure?

Marilyn Nutter, of Greer, SC is a contributor to magazines, on-line sites, and compilations. She is a Bible teacher and speaker for women’s groups and grief support and serves on the women’s ministry team at her church. In her life’s seasons, she has met God’s faithfulness and clings to Lam. 3:22-23. Look for her blog at to find extraordinary treasures in ordinary and challenging days.


  1. Great post Ms. Marilyn and Ms. Julie. For me, when I make peace with someone for something I've said or did (happens more than I would like for sure), the result is most often finding peace with myself. Am convinced that until I make things right with others, I can't be right with God (hope that makes sense). When I correct the imbalance, God's peace returns to my soul.

    1. Oh, I like that line: "Until I make things right with others, I can't be right with God." That's so true - and sometimes hard for me! As I was discussing with Katherine (see below) on FB, it's hard for me to make it RIGHT with someone when I'm convinced I AM THE ONE IN THE RIGHT! But, eventually, God finds a way to point out that it's me with the problem in the first place, and then I need to resolve it!!! Thanks for joining in!

  2. Oh, my! You're getting right to the "nitty gritty." "Clean up our messes" is an ongoing lesson. Thankfully, I'm getting better at it, but I know I couldn't without God's help. It's tough to apologize after an argument, admit when I'm wrong, or keep my mouth shut when I KNOW I'M RIGHT (Ha!). Thanks for the loving reminder from Lucy. I'll be looking forward to Part 3! Wishing you a blessed week, Marilyn and Julie!

  3. Yes, Katherine, she may or may not have stepped on my toes!!! Sometimes it seems like I don't get one mess cleaned up before I've created another! And, as I shared with you on FB, there are so many times I'm convinced that I am RIGHT and whomever - or everyone else - is in the wrong and it often takes much effort on my part to correct that wrongdoing and wrong-attitude on my part!!! Thanks for joining in!

  4. I love the lessons and messages we find in nature, such as the one you shared! Like J.D., I gain the spiritual treasure of peace when I clean up the messes I make in my relationships with others or in stupid decisions.

    1. Candi, each time I make one of those "stupid" decisions, I'm convinced that I've learned my lesson and it won't happen again. Well..... I find that I have new messes to clean up from another dumb decision later on. I am so glad God's mercies and grace are new every morning!

  5. Marilyn always does a great job. I really appreciate the reminder that we need to clean up our messes... especially in our relationships. I look forward to learning more about Lucy. Thanks so much.

    1. Marilyn's words always touch my heart and help me see God in the big things and even the small, mundane things that happen in my day! Yes, I look forward to the continuation of Lucy's story, too!

  6. What a lovely story! And I love that she cleaned up her mess! God's creation surely reveals His glory.

  7. God's creations definitely reveal His glory. His masterpieces in nature never cease to amaze me!
