Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Dozen Days in June to Celebrate God's Creativity
By Julie Lavender

Ever since my kids were little, I've loved an excuse to celebrate silly holidays. I usually worked the holiday inito our lesson plans in some fashion, and we celebrated accordingly. 

Every day is a gift from God, a day that's meant for rejoicing, a day of gladness.

Rejoicing comes easy for me when I'm outdoors, surrounded by God's creativity. The world may be troubled around me, but God's creations remind me that He is holy and perfect and GOOD. And worth celebrating! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Twenty Newspaper Writing Tips for '20
By Julie Lavender

My monthly post on Edie Melson's writing website, The Write Conversation, listed twenty tips for newspaper writing and anazlyed most of them with an actual newspaper story. 

I'll list the twenty tips below, but check out Edie Melson's blog here to see the whole article and examples of the tips. 

1. Make sure the headline, which serves as the title of the newspaper article, is informative, yet also engaging and interesting, and typically between five to seven words. Here’s the headline of an article I wrote recently.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Guest Post

My sweet writing friend, Melissa Henderson, loves being involved with community and church. Her first children's tail .... see what I did there .... released in 2018 and is called Licky the Lizard. She hopes to write more children's books in the near future. Please enjoy her post below, and connect with her from the info in her bio. 

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining. The sky is blue. Temperature is in the 70's. A very nice South Carolina day!


Monday, May 11, 2020

Bring on the POWER
By Julie Lavender

Image may contain: textI'm honored to have a story included in Refresh Bible Study Magazine that talks about tapping into God's POWER to conquer fear. 

Please enjoy some of my post below, but then check out the entire article in the free, online magazine published by Lighthouse Bible Studies, by clicking here.