Saturday, January 11, 2020


Not only is it the start of a new year, but it's a fresh, brand-spankin' new decade! 

As I pondered my writing goals on my walk with God this year, I was drawn to verses about eyesight and vision, as I've noticed several social media memes referring to this year as the year of perfect vision! Get it? 20/20? (It took me a bit to catch on at first!!)

I wrote a prayer about my dreams and focus for my writing this year. I'd love to hear your writing dreams or goals or prayers for 2020! 

May God bless every writing opportunity that comes your way - may all your words be His words, and may He bless you exceedingly and abundantly in all that you write. 

Dear God,
As a new year dawns and I ponder the path of my writing journey, open my eyes to your Word and the words that you want me to write. Restore my sight and set my mind on the writing tasks you have for me, overcoming past rejections with wisdom learned from those attempts.

Help me see clearly your plans and your will for my writing journey. Help me write with purpose, diligently and obediently, ignoring the distractions that seek to take me off the path you’ve planned. Keep my eyes and mind and heart from every evil, so that I can truly focus on you and your goodness.

Help me walk by faith, God, when acceptances don’t appear in my timeframe. Please give me the words to write your vision, words that point to you and bring all praise and glory and honor to you.

I thank you in advance, God, for the writing successes that will come my way this year, in whatever form that takes – from friendships with fellow writers to an enhanced relationship with you through my prayers to opportunities to share the gospel and change lives through my writing to the possibility of mentoring other writers and maybe, just maybe to the chance of a writing contract.

God, I take comfort in knowing that your eyes are always on me. Please help me keep my eyes on you, with perfect vision, throughout all of 2020.


(To view a post I wrote about this prayer on Edie Melson's The Write Conversation site, click here.)


  1. Am praying God hears yours and every Christian writer's prayers this year Ms. Julie. God's blessings ma'am. May we each endeavor to shine His light into this darkened world.

  2. J.D., that puts it all in a nutshell, right there: "endeavor to shine His light into this darkened world." I will join you in praying that for all of us writers! Happy New Year - hope to see you at a conference - and may He bless every word you put on paper (or computer!) this year!! Blessings to you and Diane.
