Wednesday, November 27, 2019

by Julie Lavender

I always forget they’re still here this time of year. 

Strikingly beautiful with their black bodies and black wings and impressive, light-yellow zebra-like stripes stretching across each wing, Zebra longwing butterflies glide about the lantana flowers in the front yard.

With my hands in gloves and wrapped up in my heavy coat, I just don’t expect to see butterflies gracing my front yard. Yet, their presence is one of God’s neat little surprises.

Using long wings to their advantage, the Zebra longwing butterfly’s movements seem effortless and almost like a wave moving through the air.

Zebra longwings feed on nectar, like many insects. However, this particular species also feeds on pollen and is the only known butterfly to do so. 

Rich in protein, the pollen extends the life of Zebra longwing butterflies and most live for four to six months, instead of mere days or weeks like other butterflies.

Their dietary needs make them dependent on flowers and that flitting about enhances pollination. A prolonged life means more butterfly eggs laid and that increases their population, too.

The Zebra longwing caterpillar eats the leaves of passion flowers that contain an unpleasant-tasting toxin. Thus, the adult butterfly has such a nasty taste that predators avoid them, again, enhancing their numbers. 

Birds and other predators leave them alone, either from previous unpleasant experiences, or from warning coloration of the yellow stripes against the black body and the bright red and prominent dot on the wing.

Today, I counted seven Zebra longwing butterflies in my front yard before I headed out to walk. With Thanksgiving just two days away, seven butterflies danced in my yard.  

Thank you, God, for sweet surprises. Just one more thing to be grateful for. Your wonders never cease to amaze me.

I wonder what other surprises God has in mind for me, today and in the days ahead. I plan to keep my eyes open, just in case, for unexpected wonders dancing or flitting about! 

What about you? What God surprises have you encountered lately? In nature or otherwise?


  1. What beautiful photos of some of God's glorious creations! I am thankful for His blessings. I am thankful when God surprises me with sights and sounds from Him. :-)

    1. My husband absolutely loves watching these guys fly! They're just so unique and beautiful. I am thankful, too, Melissa when He surprises me with His creations!!

  2. God never fails to teach us in His own beautiful way doesn't He Ms. Julie. Being aware of those opportunities are so important I think. Without them, we start to drift away from center it seems. God's blessings ma'am; and thank you for sharing the beauty that God shares with you.

    1. I love that, J.D. - that God's creations keep us centered, exactly where we need to be! Right with Him! Blessings to you, too, J.D., and I pray you and your sweet wife had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
