Sunday, February 3, 2019

by Julie Lavender

My walk with God today was chilly by south-Georgia standards, but nothing compared to what some of my friends have experienced in other parts of the country. The bitter, arctic cold of Winter Storm Jaden devastated much of the country with plunging temperatures and record-setting lows.

I’ve never lived with brutal winter conditions, though we did get eleven inches of snow one winter when we lived in Poulsbo, Washington. Its stay was brief, however.

I prayed for friends and strangers trapped by mounds of snow and debilitating temperatures while on my walk. 

God, comfort this cold world. Please let us feel 
the warmth that only you can offer.

Will winter ever end? The gloomy sky and barren trees, except for the evergreens, feel oppressive on particularly cold days like today on my walk.

But then I notice splashes of red farther down the lane. Dull and muted from a distance, but closer inspection reveals clusters of flowers on the leafless branches of the red maple tree.

Springtime, God.
Your promise that 

spring will come.

The red maple, a beautiful shade tree with hearty wood, is one of the first trees in the forest to get their flowers.

And the crimson blossoms stand out against the otherwise dull colors of winter.

I stopped to admire God’s promise splattered on every limb.

Red, cup-like bases with long stamens protruding upwards, dusted with golden pollen.

Several flower clusters sported honeybees darting from flower to flower, in constant motion.

In God’s Sovereignty, He calls the red maples to burst forth in late January and early February as an offering of nectar and pollen to insects and other critters.

I think He knew we needed some color to brighten our winters, too.

Thank you, God, for your visible sign that winter will end and springtime will come. The world may be cold, God, but your promises and glory dot the earth’s canvas in brilliant colors, even in the winter time.

What about you? Are you ready for winter to end? Have you seen signs of God's promises, even in the bleak winter days? Share them below and let's have a conversation to "warm up" our thoughts and point us towards Him!


  1. I love how our God gives us glimpses of hope; jut when it seems we need them the most. Thanks Ms. Julie.

  2. Jim, you are so right. And, to see the beauty of the red maple, typically, you have to look UP along the skyline to see glimpses of the red blossoms! How fitting, right? When we need hope, we just have to fall on our knees and LOOK UP! Thanks for replying!

  3. Your maples are already blossoming? Shows you are definitely a Southern girl. My daffodils are popping up, probably just in time for the next cold snap. And, sadly, our camellias were full of buds that were frozen in our last sub-freezing weather. But, I know spring is coming--the days are getting a little longer and God's promise is clear. Thanks for brightening my day with a little Spring!

  4. Yes! Our Red Maples are already blossoming!! It's a beautiful contrast to an otherwise gloomy sky and evidence of God's promise that spring is coming, even while much of the country is blanketed with snow. God's promises are true, whether the temperature or our surroundings agree or not, right? Thanks for commenting!

  5. Julie, I love the way your writing and photography prompt us to pause and ponder the glorious works of God in our world and in our hearts. Clumps of daffodils are announcing spring where I live. Your post encouraged me to watch closely for signs of God’s promises in His creation and in my heart.

  6. Thank you for your sweet words, Jeannie! I love pondering God's glorious works through his creations, and it does indeed encourage me to watch even closer for signs of his glory and promises!! I hope your daffodils hunkered down in your recent cold temps! We happened to be visiting that sweet grandbaby in Chattanooga when temperatures plunged recently, and it got really cold!

  7. What beautiful photographs, Julie! You words remind me that God continually creates beauty in our lives.
    Spring is breaking out here in Houston but it's mostly weeds, at least in my yard.

  8. I love those words "...that God continually creates beauty in our lives." Yes, Sherry, that's so true!! Well, you're right about the weeds! Somehow, those can withstand the cold and seem to pop up early in the season, don't they!!! Thanks for commenting!
