Saturday, July 28, 2018


My guest blogger today is my writing friend, Jeannie Waters. Jeannie's blog where this article first appeared is entitled "Brighten Someone's Day"and she truly does that with each blog post! Jeannie and I were online friends before we met in person at a writers' conference. And her ever-present smile definitely brightened my day when we became friends 'for real' and not just online ones! 

Please read her blog below that fits perfectly with my blog theme of learning about God through His amazing creations, and then check out her other posts at I know you'll enjoy her writing just as much as I do.  

The Bossy Wren
by Jeannie Waters

Incessant chirping signaled the urgent need for food. The infant bobble-head birds were crying for Mrs. Wren’s beak-to-beak deposits. They were desperate.

Mother Bird was perfectly willing and able to provide for her babies. She flew with winged efficiency from the nearest "supermarket" to her nest inside her birdhouse. (Ahem . . . OUR birdhouse) The only hindrance was me! I was sitting at the deck table, minding my own business when she started fussing at me. (Warning: I enjoy putting words in the mouths, I mean beaks, of our feathered friends.)

"Get off of this deck and go back inside where you belong," she yelled. "You are an imminent threat to my babies and I won’t have it! Leave my property this minute!"

Well, I never! I turned my back hoping that this bossy little diva would think of me as less threatening. She quickly darted to the worm "aisle," retrieved a juicy bit of meat, and perched even closer to me. Now, because her mouth was full of medium rare worm burger, I anticipated a silent stare. But I received much more than that. She cocked her tiny head and proceeded to chortle choice words in my direction. "I'm warning you, you big human intruder. For the last time, get off my deck! I'm trying to feed babies here."

I reluctantly left my outdoor sanctuary and headed inside. The tiny "David" had conquered "Goliath." She won. After all, she had babies to feed.
In addition to creating amusement, that feisty little wren illustrated a biblical truth, that of provision. With instinct and skill, the mother bird provided sustenance for her wide-mouthed fledglings. She knew their precise need and how to meet it. The only requirement on their part was to display hunger by "asking" for food and staying in a position to receive it.

The wren family interactions remind me of how God promises to meet our needs. Our heavenly Father knows what we require and longs to provide for us. In fact, one of His names is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. Not that His responses always come in the time and manner we prefer, but we can trust Him. Isn't that an encouraging thought? Our responsibility is to talk to Him in prayer, remain in a posture of faith, and read and obey His Word.
Do you know someone who needs to focus on God’s promises? Perhaps you could share a Bible verse in a card or speak an encouraging word to that person this week. Let's tuck God’s promises into our heart and be prepared to share them. Like the industrious wren, we can use our God-given gifts for the benefit of someone else.
Please share below a time when you were reminded of God’s provision or when someone met a need for you.

And my God will supply every need of yours
according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
--Philippians 4:19 ESV

What about you? What reminds you of how God promises to meet our needs? Respond below, after you've taken a glance at Jeannie's bio, to let Jeannie and know your thoughts. We'd both love to hear from you! 

Jeannie's bio:
A regular writer for Refresh Bible Study Magazine, Jeannie Waters is a contributing author to Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character (Lighthouse Bible Studies), Let the Earth Rejoice (Worthy Inspired), Breaking the Chains (2018 Selah finalist, Lighthouse Bible Studies), and Just Breathe (Worthy/Ellie Claire).

Sharing the encouragement of Christ fills Jeannie's heart with joy. Find her creative ideas for “Brightening Someone’s Day” with encouraging words, acts of kindness, and meaningful gifts at Connect with her @jeanniewaters44.

Jeannie and her husband have two children, four grandchildren, three granddogs, two grandcats, and one grandhamster named Clara. A retired teacher and instructional coach who taught students from over twenty-five countries and ranging in age from five to sixty-five, she currently teaches ESL and leads an English Club for friends learning English.

Jeannie’s favorite moments are spent laughing with family and friends, hiking to waterfalls, and cheering for the Georgia Bulldogs with her Bulldog hubby-buddy.


  1. Awwww! So sweet! We have doves in our backyard. They made a nest on my husband's outdoor speaker. lol ... It's been a delight to see them carefully protect and feed several rounds of babies. Beautiful analogy, Jeannie.

    1. Thank you, Dianne. I'm glad you have doves to enjoy, except for the nest in the speaker. ;) God gives us beautiful pictures of His care for us.

  2. Dianne and Jeannie, We've had red-shouldered hawks that have nested and raised two babies for the last two years. We loved watching them provide for the young, but we were surprised both years because our Golden Retriever (who is confined to the fenced-in back yard) barks ferociously at them constantly. And though they are outside the fence, it still seems as if it should be so obnoxious that they wouldn't want to join our neighborhood!!

  3. Julie and Jeannie, I love the lessons we learn from nature. Little Mrs. Wren was protective and persistent, just as we are with our children. But, God is persistent and protective of us, too. I'm so thankful that He doesn't give up on us.

    1. I am SO VERY thankful that He doesn't give up on us, Katherine! I know there are many times that I haven't deserved the second and third and fourth chances God's given me, but thankfully, His mercies are new every morning! Loved that his creation, the wren, can teach me about protection and persistence.
