Monday, April 30, 2018

by Julie Lavender

On my walk with God this morning, something zoomed past my face and landed on a nearby leaf. Closer inspection revealed a robber fly.

Robber flies are fast-flying, beard-faced, six-legged creatures that feed on other insects. Quite often, robber flies choose to attack insects much larger than themselves.


They like to find a perch and wait patiently… waiting to ambush another insect, usually while the insect is in mid-flight.

The robber fly rushes out when a desired, unsuspecting prey flutters by. The attacking insect wraps its bristly legs around its lunch’s head or back, stabs it with needlelike mouthparts, and injects saliva that contains nerve toxins and digestive enzymes.

The toxins and digestive enzymes take effect very quickly, immobilizing the prey and liquefying its insides.

The robber fly sucks out the prey’s insides, using its mouthparts like a straw.


Gross and icky? Yes, but that’s just the way God designed the robber fly.

My medical-entomologist husband told me he’d once seen an ordinary-sized robber fly take down a much-larger and thicker-bodied bumble bee. “You should’ve seen it, Julie – it was quite impressive!” (It’s amazing the events that excite an entomologist!)

The robber fly reminds me of the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. David faced a foe much larger than himself, too. But he had God on his side – David knew he would defeat the giant.

Is there a giant in your life? A difficult situation that seems impossible, insurmountable?

A test you need to pass? A deadline to meet at work? An addiction to overcome? An estranged relationship that needs mending?

About this time of year on many occasions, I felt like the completion of another school year with my four homeschooled offspring was an insurmountable task. On some of those school years, it was just an imaginary fear and we had no trouble getting all the work completed.

On some occasions though, it took until the middle of the summer to mark everything off my lesson plans. With God’s help, we did what it took to make it happen. Things may not have gone as I had planned, but God guided me to success with what seemed like a bigger giant than I could handle.


God equipped the robber fly with the mechanics it needs to successfully dine on insects often twice its size. God equips you and me with what we need to be victorious with our own giants, with help from Him, of course.

What about you? Are you facing a ‘giant’ this week? I have a couple of family members facing issues that seem huge. Will you please pray for them? May I pray for you?

Comment below and let’s pray for each other!



  1. I needed this reminder today! Excellent comparison to David and Goliath. With God on our side, He will equip us to defeat any Goliath who dares to cross our path!

  2. And thank goodness, He IS on our side! That is such a comforting thought to me. Thanks for reading and commenting! Have a blessed day with whomever or whatever you cross on life's path today!

  3. I did pray for your family members—may God help them face their giants with courage, knowing He’s with them the whole way.

    I just love how your blog focuses on “consider the...” and teaches through God’s creation. This one is no exception. I do have a few giants to face myself. I’ll just go and suck the guts out of them! 😊

  4. Heather, your comments are always such a blessing to me! I laughed out loud at your last sentence....that's the mind-frame I plan to use the next time a giant comes my way....courageously suck the guts right out of that problem, with God on my side! Thank you for the prayers for my family members, and I'll be honored to pray about your giants, too. It's always a privilege for me to approach the throne of God on behalf of my friends! Have a blessed weekend.

  5. WOW! I'm impressed with that robber fly (although it's method of subduing it's prey is "icky"). Yes, we all have those huge and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in our lives. Thanks for reminding us that with God, all things are possible. Praying for you and your family.

  6. Ooops, Julie! I should have proof read better...should be "its method" (no apostrophe)!
