Monday, December 30, 2019

Sunday, December 22, 2019

by Julie Lavender

Most weeks on my blog, I talk about one of God’s masterpieces that I notice on my morning walk. I love learning lessons from His creations. I sometimes discuss the lessons I learn along my writing path, too.

This week, I’d love to spotlight a young gal who was born with spina bifida occulta and a tethered spinal cord. She was delayed with each stage of development as a baby and toddler, and the surgeon couldn’t assure Katherine’s mom that she would ever walk.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Use your writing as a gift to others
By Julie Lavender

I recently shared the story below on Edie Melson's The Write Conversation blog. As we head into Christmas, I'm reminded that as writers, our words are firstly a gift to us from the Almighty Author. How we use those words God gives us can then be used as a gift to others. And often, our words don't return void, as they bounce right back to us as even more blessings. It's a wonderful cycle! 

Write on, my friends, and use your gift of writing as a gift to others, but most especially, as a humble sacrifice to the One who gave you the words in the first place! 

Share good news with the gift of writing 

I didn’t bring a gift to the birthday celebration. In fact, the gentleman celebrating his special day was the one who distributed gifts. Ninety gifts to be exact.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

by Julie Lavender

My family took an afternoon walk the day after Thanksgiving in a nearby state park. The weather was beautiful here in south-Georgia, and I was on a quest to take pictures of autumn shades before the leaves completely let go for the season.