Wednesday, October 31, 2018


My guest blogger today is the pastor of Severn Baptist Church, in Severn, North Carolina. Mark Corbett is married to Hope Corbett and their daughter, Joy, rounds out the family. Mark's post below follows the theme of my blog, as he, too, loves to write about seeing God in nature. 
Please read his words below and read more of his posts at

Seeing God in Creation Gives Me Courage to Keep Serving Him (part 3 in the Why I Believe series)
by Mark Corbett

by Julie Lavender

I’ll admit that I didn’t enjoy garden work as a kid, but I certainly enjoyed the byproducts in the late summer and early fall.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

by Julie Lavender

A pair of slow-moving reptiles ambled across my path this week. 

Monday, October 29, 2018


My guest blogger today is Stephanie Pavlantos. I first met Stephanie in person at a writer's conference, and we 'friended' each other via the usual social media outlets. Then we were blessed to spend more time together at another writer's conference just recently. 

Her brief tagline describes her this way: "writer, author, biologist, lover of God's Word, Bible-study leader." But, spending time with her let me realize that it would take paragraphs to give an accurate 'tagline' of her love of God, His word, and her precious family. 

Please enjoy her post below, then visit her website at to find more of her thoughts and inspiration. (You'll especially love some of her breathtaking photos of the Canadian Rockies on a recent trip to Jasper, Canada.)